Bishop's Corner

A Heart to Serve

Bishop Clarence Williams • General
There is a purpose for the anointing on your life. God gave us skills and gifts for a reason, and that is to win souls.

God is good and faithful to all of us, and will be to the very end.  In the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus gave talents unto men, and while He was away entrusted them to be faithful with what He had given them.  We all have at least one gift, and God is expecting us to work that gift so that it may increase and multiply.  Jesus gave us work to do as believers while He is gone; and it's always about advancing His Kingdom.  We are to work faithfully and diligently.  But know this, there is a reward in working, and a judgment if the work is not done.  In other words, your work will be greatly rewarded, or severely judged.


God expects us to work. In our nation today we are living in a time where people don't want to work anymore.  They want to get paid, but they don't want to work.  The Bible says in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 that if a man won't work, neither shall he eat.  No one wants an unproductive employee; it's a waste of time, money, and resources.  Chief Executive Officers don't become CEOs without working.  As believers, we have been bought at a price; we are not our own.  We belong to God.  We are His servants, His people; and we have the opportunity to be faithful in using the gifts and talents He has entrusted to us.  As a matter of fact, we will be judged on our faithfulness to what God has given us.  Some people stop serving God because someone offended them.  Don't allow offenses to stop you from working and serving.  Offenses will come, but never let people stop you from using the gifts and talents entrusted to you.  You will be rewarded for your diligence to keep serving God.  "For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works."  Matthew 16:27 


There is a purpose for the anointing on your life.  God gave us skills and gifts for a reason, and that is to win souls.  When you start using your gifts, you start making transactions.  Stop making excuses for why you can't work.  Put your talents, skills, and abilities to work.  What is in you is designed to increase and serve the Kingdom.  We all have gifts in us; gifts that are able to produce.  Serving in the Kingdom helps to bring out what's inside of you.  Surveys say that only 20% of the members actually help out in the local church, but when everyone uses their skills and talents in service to Kingdom work, it makes it easier on everybody else.  In Matthew 25:24-25, the man with the one talent used no effort, energy or exertion for God; he was slothful and unprofitable. 


It is so important to put the gifts God has given you to work right away so He can multiply them.  The Lord Jesus is coming back, and He is not slack concerning His promises.  Can you say you have maximized your gifts and talents to the best of your ability?  Make no excuses, and let nobody stop you from serving.  What an honor and privilege it is to serve God.  Stop worrying about people, just do you!  Nobody can do you like you can do you.  Have a heart to serve and your work will be greatly rewarded!

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