Bishop's Corner

Change is a Choice

Bishop Clarence Williams • General
If what you have been doing for years is still not working, perhaps it's time to make some changes. Maybe it's time to stop going around that same mountain, and getting nowhere; nothing has changed, and the results are the same every single time.



Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked yourself, "How did I get here?"  Have you ever looked back over your life and wondered what went wrong?  Trust me, you are not the only one who has ever had moments of reminiscing about what many refer to as 'the good old days'; but did you know that God can restore all the years you may have thought you lost, and turn things around for your betterment?  The Bible says that even those things that were meant to hurt you, break you, or even destroy you, God can turn around for your good (see Genesis 50:20). 


If what you have been doing for years is still not working, perhaps it's time to make some changes.  Maybe it's time to stop going around that same mountain, and getting nowhere; nothing has changed, and the results are the same every single time.  That's foolishness -- to keep doing the same things year after year, and yet expect different results. 


It's time to do something different.  For example, if all your talks, texts, and letters to your wayward children have not brought them to their senses, maybe you should do something different.  For instance, take time each day to pray for them, or show them unconditional love, even in their rebellious and wayward state.  Stop waiting for them to change before you show them the true love of God.  Stop waiting to see the manifestation of your prayers before you spend time with them, or let them know how much you love them, or how proud of them you are.  Sometimes, a simple hug can make all the difference in the world.  How about cooking their favorite meal and inviting them over for dinner?


Maybe you should become true to yourself, seek God's help, and allow change to begin with you.  God changes us by the power of His Word.  In fact, one of the most precious things you can get a hold of is God's Word.  Start reading the Bible daily and begin to apply it to your everyday lives.  If you don't own a Bible, I encourage you to purchase one, or download an app on your electronic devices.  Whatever your preference, I promise you, it will be worth the investment.  God will never invade the power of our wills however; so, the choice to change is always ours to make.  Once you make that decision, and began to act differently, think differently, talk differently, and live differently, He will be there to help you.  The choice is yours!

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