Bishop's Corner

Enduring Faith

Bishop Clarence Williams •
It's time to let every demon know that they will not pass here because you are a winner and a fighter! Dance around your house; rejoice in your car! Declare that today is my victory day, and then celebrate your victory in Christ Jesus.

Do you realize we were created for victory?  Victory belongs to Jesus, and victory belongs to us.  We should have victory in every area; in our marriages, with our children, in our health and finances, in our cities, in our minds and so on.  We must have the faith to believe God for total victory in every single area of life – enduring faith.  We should have the mentality that every time I pray, I win!  It’s time to let every demon know that they will not pass here because you are a winner and a fighter!  Dance around your house; rejoice in your car!  Declare that today is my victory day, and then celebrate your victory in Christ Jesus. 

Have the kind of faith that endures challenges and issues of life.  Faith should come naturally for the believer.  The enemy tries to make it seem hard, but that’s how we should live – by faith; faith that endures.  Every time God gives you a word, even if it’s a prophetic word through someone else, it’s to prosper you and cause you to live a lifestyle of expectancy where the supernatural becomes the norm.  Be mindful, however, that the enemy will try to disrupt things by showing us the negative and making us think that what we are trusting God for is not going to happen; or that the situations we are facing are more real than our promise from God Almighty.  But these are only distractions to keep us from the promises God has already spoken to us.  It was the same with the first generation when Moses sent the 10 spies out to scope out the land God had already promised them.  The enemy distracted them from the promise by causing them to focus on the giants in the land.  God had already given them the land, but because they took their focus off what He had said and onto the negative things the enemy was showing them, they began to doubt God and feel inadequate, as grasshoppers in comparison to the giants.  The first generation aborted their destiny and failed to receive the promise.

Stop allowing the enemy to distract you.  It’s your opportunity and moment to walk in total victory.  Don’t allow the enemy to trip you up, especially in your mind.  Have enduring faith to just believe God.  He said in Mark 9:23, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”  Cancel those negative thoughts.  You are being battle tested, and God has promised to never leave or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).  Endure in your faith.  You are well able to stand amidst your trials.  The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:3, “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.”

This is your season and time; a time to rejoice!  It’s time to put all your focus on God.  Pray and ask Him to strengthen your faith to endure whatever comes your way, and then celebrate the victory He has already provided through His Word. 

Enduring Faith

Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Dance around your house; rejoice in your car! Declare that today is my victory day, and then celebrate your victory in Christ Jesus.

Do you realize we were created for victory?  Victory belongs to Jesus, and victory belongs to us.  We should have victory in every area; in our marriages, with our children, in our health and finances, in our cities, in our minds and so on.  We must have the faith to believe God for total victory in every single area of life â€" enduring faith.  We should have the mentality that every time I pray, I win!  It's time to let every demon know that they will not pass here because you are a winner and a fighter!  Dance around your house; rejoice in your car!  Declare that today is my victory day, and then celebrate your victory in Christ Jesus. 

Have the kind of faith that endures challenges and issues of life.  Faith should come naturally for the believer.  The enemy tries to make it seem hard, but that's how we should live â€" by faith; faith that endures.  Every time God gives you a word, even if it's a prophetic word through someone else, it's to prosper you and cause you to live a lifestyle of expectancy where the supernatural becomes the norm.  Be mindful, however, that the enemy will try to disrupt things by showing you the negative and making you think that what you are trusting God for is not going to happen; or that the situations you are facing are more real than your promise from God.  But these are only distractions to keep you from the promises God has already spoken to you.

It was the same with the first generation when Moses sent the 10 spies out to scope out the land God had already promised them. The enemy distracted them from the promise by causing them to focus on the giants in the land.  God had already given them the land, but because they took their focus off what He had said and onto the negative things the enemy was showing them, they began to doubt God and feel inadequate, as grasshoppers in comparison to the giants.  The first generation aborted their destiny and failed to receive their promise.

Stop allowing the enemy to distract you.  It's your opportunity and moment to walk in total victory.  Don't allow the enemy to trip you up, especially in your mind.  Have enduring faith to just believe God.  He said in Mark 9:23, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."  Cancel those negative thoughts.  You are being battle tested, and God has promised to never leave or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).  Endure in your faith.  You are well able to stand amidst your trials.  The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:3, "You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ."

This is your season and time; a time to rejoice!  It's time to put all your focus on God.  Pray and ask Him to strengthen your faith to endure whatever comes your way, and then celebrate the victory He has already provided through His Word. 

Enduring Faith

Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Have the kind of faith that endures challenges and issues of life. Faith should come naturally for the believer. The enemy tries to make it seem hard, but that's how we should live – by faith; faith that endures.

Do you realize we were created for victory?  Victory belongs to Jesus, and victory belongs to us.  We should have victory in every area; in our marriages, with our children, in our health and finances, in our cities, in our minds and so on.  We must have the faith to believe God for total victory in every single area of life – enduring faith.  We should have the mentality that every time I pray, I win!  It's time to let every demon know that they will not pass here because you are a winner and a fighter!  Dance around your house; rejoice in your car!  Declare that today is my victory day, and then celebrate your victory in Christ Jesus. 


Have the kind of faith that endures challenges and issues of life.  Faith should come naturally for the believer.  The enemy tries to make it seem hard, but that's how we should live – by faith; faith that endures.  Every time God gives you a word, even if it's a prophetic word through someone else, it's to prosper you and cause you to live a lifestyle of expectancy where the supernatural becomes the norm.  Be mindful, however, that the enemy will try to disrupt things by showing us the negative and making us think that what we are trusting God for is not going to happen; or that the situations we are facing are more real than our promise from God Almighty.  But these are only distractions to keep us from the promises God has already spoken to us.  It was the same with the first generation when Moses sent the 10 spies out to scope out the land God had already promised them.  He distracted them from the promise by causing them to focus on the giants in the land.  God had already given them the land, but because they took their focus off what He had said and onto the negative things the enemy was showing them, they began to doubt God and feel inadequate, as grasshoppers in comparison to the giants.  The first generation aborted their destiny and failed to receive the promise.


Stop allowing the enemy to distract you.  It's your opportunity and moment to walk in total victory.  Don't allow the enemy to trip you up, especially in your mind.  Have enduring faith to just believe God.  He said in Mark 9:23, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."  Cancel those negative thoughts.  You are being battle tested, and God has promised to never leave or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).  Endure in your faith.  You are well able to stand amidst your trials.  The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:3, "You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ."


This is your season and time; a time to rejoice!  It's time to put all your focus on God.  Pray and ask Him to strengthen your faith to endure whatever comes your way, and then celebrate the victory He has already provided through His Word. 


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