Bishop's Corner

Get Knowledge That You May Grow Thereby

Bishop Clarence Williams • General
The Word of God is designed to multiply, therefore, once you hear it, you must receive it and apply it to your life. It will in-turn multiply, just as any seed would.

Increase comes from the Word of God.  We must therefore be students of the Word.  We must make earnest efforts to study the Word in order to know what rightfully belongs to us.  The Word of God is designed to multiply 30, 60, and 100-fold.  It is so powerful that when you sow it as a seed in your heart it brings forth a harvest (marriage, health, relationships, etc.).


Are you in need of a breakthrough?  Do you need prosperity in any area of your life?  Then it is time for growth; but in order for it to take place, you must first increase your faith.  Faith comes by hearing the Word of God until it becomes so real that nothing can shake you or make you doubt that what He has said will surely come to pass.  It is time for the Body of Christ to gain knowledge; not according to the system of this world, but according to the Word of Almighty God.  Knowledge is powerful and brings with it survival.  In the book of Hosea 4:6, God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.  Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you…"  We must get to a place where we truly believe and understand that it is God's will for us to prosper and be in health.  He desires that above all things, according to 3 John 1:2.   He wants us to increase in every area of our lives.


It is important for you to understand that you were designed to prosper.  It is in your DNA.  So, in whatever area you are needing prosperity, whether in your marriage, finances, health, business, relationships, ministry, or whatever; you must apply the Word.  It is a seed and must be sown into your life in order to bring forth a harvest.  The Word of God declares in Daniel 11:32, "…the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits."  When you reject knowledge, God rejects you; so, take the time to know your God.  Receiving knowledge is not just saying you receive; it is an action – changing your ways and doing differently.  You will actually make a change.  The Word of God is designed to multiply, therefore, once you hear it, you must receive it and apply it to your life.  It will in-turn multiply, just as any seed would.  Many people, including pastors, shun away from talking about money, but God's Word speaks a lot about money, and Jesus Himself spoke often about money. 


Tithing is key to prosperity; it is not an option.  God has commanded us through His Word to tithe.  Once you do, you open the windows of Heaven on your behalf because you acted on the Word and planted the seed according to the Word of God.  Believers are defeated today because they refuse to tithe, or they are afraid to tithe.  In other words, they reject knowledge of the commandment to tithe, and therefore, God rejects them (Hosea 4:6).  That is often why the Body of Christ struggles – because they don't tithe according to the Word.  But when you are obedient to God's Word by tithing, He rebukes the devourer for your sake (Malachi 3:11).  The tithe is your best gift to God and comes off the top.  It is an act of worship, and we honor God when we tithe a tenth of everything that prospers us by returning it to the House of God.  In doing so, we can expect to receive financial abundance and financial provision.


The church has work to do, but in order for God to bring the wealth, He must be able to trust His people to tithe.  If God can't trust you to tithe $100 off of $1,000, how can He trust you to tithe $100,000 if He blesses you with 1 million?  Yes, Jesus is concerned about our giving.  He even stood over the offering table and watched what the people gave (Mark 12:41-44). Everyone is not able to give bountifully, but some are.  In fact, your tenth may be different from the next person's tenth, but we give out of the abundance of our hearts according to our increase.  Why is it that the God who saved us, and blesses and protects us and our children, is the last person we honor sometimes, when in all actuality, we should jump to the opportunity to give back to God and to sow into His Kingdom?  What an opportunity!  But many people choose to rob God instead by not tithing or giving offerings (Malachi 3:10).


How much do you honor God?  How much value do you place on God?  Givers are always gaining.  As a young man, I was broke all the time.  But as I grew older and gained knowledge of the Word of God and began to apply it to my life by sowing, tithing, giving to and being a blessing to others, God began to bless me and my family.  When you give according to God's Word, it comes back to you in good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over (Luke 6:38).  You will be blessed beyond what you can imagine.


Get knowledge of the Word of God so you can walk in the blessings of God.  Raise your head up; dress for success; dress like you're blessed.  Stop walking around and looking like you're broke.  Teach your children to walk in their prosperity.  Don't speak lack and defeat to them.  Let them know they were created to prosper in everything they set out to do.   Satan and demonic forces have robbed us of our wealth and inheritance for too long.  Stop putting God last, and everything else first.  The summertime is the most difficult time for most churches because the people of God forget about Him and put other things first; so, the tithe and offerings decrease.  God is concerned about what we give because wherever a man's treasure is, there also is his heart (Matthew 6:21).  When you give God that which He deserves – the best, things change and shift in your favor.  If you honor Him, He will honor you.  Make this declaration today, "I am empowered to prosper because I honor God in my giving.  I will therefore reap a harvest, and this time next year I will be better off than I am right now."

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