Bishop's Corner

Never Run From Battle

Bishop Clarence Williams • General
The enemy doesn't want you to pray, or to make prayer a priority, because he knows that God will show you great and mighty things according to Jeremiah 33:3.

As a soldier in the Army of the Lord, never retreat from battle.  If you were in the U.S. military, you would not be allowed to run from battle.  As a matter of fact, you would be court-martialed.  So why run from battle in God's army?  If you feel like you are losing the battle, remember that you already have victory through Christ Jesus.  Too often we are in silent mode in churches today while the enemy of our soul wreaks havoc on our homes, finances, and body.  But the Lion's roar needs to be back in the church.  The Bible says "Shout to God with the voice of TRIUMPH!" (Psalms 47:1) In war, God always sent Judah first – PRAISE.  The Tribe of Judah is a tribe that doesn't back down.  Only Judah can kill giants.  Judah shows up whenever you have a praise.  When Goliath (the giant) showed up, God had already anointed one from the Tribe of Judah -- David.  The Tribe of Judah already had a reputation of killing giants.  If you be Christ, then are you Abraham's seed according to Galatians 3:29 – meaning you are also from the Tribe of Judah.  The Tribe of Judah goes to war first, and slays giants.  The Tribe of Judah does not play – they go to war, and people back up.  Are you from the Judah Tribe?  Then go to war first!  Praise Him, and the giants will have to fall down.  Let the devil know you are Judah (praise), and you will cut him with your praise and prayers. 


The enemy doesn't want you to pray, or to make prayer a priority, because he knows that God will show you great and mighty things according to Jeremiah 33:3.  David wrote in Psalms 18 of how God defeated all his enemies when he went through some things.  Sometimes when you are a warrior for God, things won't always be easy – no silver platters.  You may have to run, and you have to hide sometimes, but in battle when you are going through things, you must step back and recognize who God is in your life.  He is well able.  You don't serve a weak king.  It may have looked like Jesus was being defeated on the way to Calvary, but Jesus was going to war for us.  He had sickness, disease, etc. to meet Him at Calvary, and that's where He defeated death, hell, and the grave.  Satan thought he would defeat him through the beatings, but didn't understand that no one was able to take His life – He chose to lay His life down, and had the power to take it up again.  Understand, you are not warring with just anybody.  Jesus is General of generals.


We are at war, and you must be a praying church, because that's where the battle is won.  Don't let the devil rob you or your church of the promises of God.  Whenever you think you can't make it, or that the world or the devil is winning; that God is not answering your prayers; that you're all alone and at the very end of your rope and think you can't make it; or can't throw another punch; you can get back up -- there is hope.  Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can defeat the enemy.  No matter what situations or circumstances happen in your life, you can stay in the fight, and overcome your enemy.  Just don't stop fighting, and never give up.  Keep praying, keep praising, keep speaking the Word and declaring victory.  The God you serve has already conquered your enemies.  Jesus, as Lord of your life, is in a class all by Himself. With Him backing you in battle, you will never have to retreat.  Do as David did, and pursue your enemy!  Run full-force ahead and prepare to slay your giants.  There is more with you than against you. (2 Kings 6:14-17)

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