Bishop's Corner

Step Out and Move Forward

Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Let's pray and call upon the name of the Lord. This nation shall see a great deliverance and manifestation of God's church.
The gates of hell will not prevail against Junction City, Kansas or the surrounding areas. God's hand is upon us and He will not leave us or forsake us.

Mighty is our God, and His DNA is in us.  His Word is in us and we are in His Word. There is nothing too hard for our God.  Even amid our battles we pause to bless His name.  He is our Redeemer.  It's His goodness and favor upon our lives, and it is He who gives us victory through every storm.


Tell your body to praise God. Tell your soul to praise Him. Tell every fiber in your being to praise Him.  He is the one who causes us to run and not be weary, to walk and not faint.  He is the one who renews our strength like the eagles. He is the one who prepares a table for us before our enemies; the one who conquered death, hell and the grave.  We are not just servants, but sons and daughters of God.  We will not be afraid of the challenges that come our way.  We will not stagger or stumble; our prayers are being answered. Let us not murmur or complain but possess our promises.  We will not rest until our full inheritance is upon us and in us, that people may know that He is God.


We are not discouraged or in despair by the things we see and hear, because He is our hope and strength; He is our nation's hope and strength.  Let's therefore gird ourselves for battle to come against the forces of darkness that have instigated the minds of men and women to do evil and ungodly things.  Let's come against spirits that have made themselves at home in the land and in the air.  Let's pray and call upon the name of the Lord.  This nation shall see a great deliverance and manifestation of God's church. 


The gates of hell will not prevail against Junction City, Kansas or the surrounding areas.  God's hand is upon us and He will not leave us or forsake us.  He has brought us through circumstances and situations and is even now calling us forth as a great army.  He is bringing us out of the desserts and out of the caves.  He is disciplining us in our faith and trust in Him through the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.  This is our season of victory; a season of coming out and defeating the enemy; a season of healing and deliverance; a season of gates opening, where the porters of Heaven are opened unto us.  This is a season of new beginnings and fresh starts.  A season where we break out of oppression and depression; a season when principalities fall, and demonic forces flee.  This is a season of new strategies where we are strong in the Lord like never before.  Power is flowing from Heaven, and angels are coming to help us minister. 


Let's take our place Junction City.  Let us not break rank and let us not go AWOL.  We will stand with our God.  This is our season, our moment, and our time.  We will not back down.  No more will we remain babies; but we will grow spiritually strong in the Lord.  Let us choose not just to serve God but to be like God – sons and daughters to carry the Gospel of Jesus around the world.


Junction City, let's seize this moment and time with God – a season of miracles; a season of covenant manifestation in our churches.  God changes the times and seasons.  He removes people and raise up people (Daniel 2:21). Stay strong in your faith. Stand up and stay strong spiritually no matter what it looks like or what distractions the enemy tries to bring in your life.  Daniel said in Daniel 11:32, "…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits."  Step out and move forward.  Shake yourself from the dust; no more lackadaisical.  It's time to stop being comfortable and get uncomfortable. Connect yourself and grab hold of the vision of your church and it will bless you; grab hold and be a part. God is waking up the church to be prepared; a mighty giant that cannot be stopped.  You have been strategically placed in this area in Kansas for such a time as this.  Shake yourself. Get rid of every sin and weight that so easily ensnares you (Hebrews 12:2).  God's army can give you speed and flexibility to be able to fight.  His armor will protect you.  Go to war in your homes.  Pray, study the Word, worship, go to war. Reclaim your mind and thoughts and renew them in the Word of God.  You have the ability; you make the choice. You are more powerful than you think you are. There's more in you than you could ever imagine, that's why satan tries to snuff it out of you to distract you. Claim what belongs to you – it's your inheritance, your true inheritance; the Kingdom of God. 


Go to war for your health and quit claiming everything on your bodies.  Your sickness may be reality but go to war for your healing.  Agree with God who said in Isaiah 53:5, "…by His stripes we are healed." Go to war for your health and don't allow yourself to have pity parties. Tell yourself you don't have time to be sick, and then rebuke those spirits of infirmity.  Repent if you must; sometimes sickness comes because there's been no repentance.  Go to war for your family, your increase, your promised land.  Quit complaining and get stirred up.  You are in a new time and season to win.  Start now, not tomorrow.  I believe in God and I believe in you.

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