Bishop's Corner

Trust in the Lord

Bishop Clarence Williams • General
"He whose mind is stayed on the Lord He will keep in perfect peace." (Isaiah 26:3).

Not every day is full of joy, happiness and peace.  There are days in our lives when the bottom seems to fall right out from under us; the news of a loved-one being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, your spouse's job is terminated, a child's behavior turns for the worst, the constant threats of the bill collectors, the stress and strain of a troubled marriage, the mental pressures that seem to grow by the second… leaving you motionless in thinking logically, and oftentimes causing a feeling of oppression or maybe depression. 


"He whose mind is stayed on the Lord He will keep in perfect peace." (Isaiah 26:3).  When your peace is disturbed you won't know what to do or where you are going, and confusion comes on the scene.  But despite what is happening around you, and against you, you have to be able to rest in the peace of God.  You must be strong in the Lord.  Don't allow the enemy to put strongholds in your mind.  You need to be able to rest in the peace God has given you. The Bible says He never sleeps or slumbers (Psalms 121:4), so if He is always awake, we may as well go to sleep. We can go down in peace and rise in peace.  We serve a mighty God who can do anything but fail.  He is a faithful God; a covenant-keeping God; who is more than enough.  The devil's battlefield is the mind; that's where he attacks your thought-life, speaking doubt and unbelief; telling you that you are not going to make it.


Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."  You don't have to go through days of darkness by yourself.  God knew we would have days like these, so He instructs us to trust Him through them.  He tells us to have faith in Him, and He will direct our lives.  Psalms 23:1-2 tells us that the Lord will be our Shepherd, so that we will not have any wants; we will lie down in fruitful places, and experience peaceful, refreshing, and restored souls.  The sum of what God is saying is, "I love you too much to abandon you in your darkest days; those times when you need Me the most."  Trust in Him!

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