Bishop's Corner

Work the Word

Bishop Clarence Williams • General
The keys to our victory and success are to do the following things: 1) Study the Word, 2) Meditate on the Word, and 3) Work the Word.

According to Hebrews 4:12, the Word of God is quick, alive, and powerful; sharper than any 2-edged sword.  The Word can penetrate our spirit and soul.  God's Word can bring to life whatever is dead in our lives, relationships and circumstances.  It is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  The Word of God is powerful!  Once we get an understanding of the POWER of God's Word, we will know it's the Word that we need for our daily lives. 


"This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate on it day and night and observe to do all that is written therein, then you will make your way prosperous; then you will have good success."   Joshua 1:8


When we apply the Word, our lives change. God gives us tasks that are impossible for us to do in ourselves; but with Him, all things are possible. The keys to our victory and success are to do the following things:  1) Study the Word, 2) Meditate on the Word, and 3) Work the Word.  For the Word of God to work in our favor, we must be consumed in it and focused on it all day long. We must be cautious of even our thoughts.  God's Word and what He has already spoken must be the central focus of our thought-life.  It is THEN that we have prosperity and good success. In other words, it starts with us.  WE are the ones responsible for our prosperity and success.


God will do nothing outside of His Word, therefore it is our responsibility to study, meditate, and do. We will then prosper spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, in our marriages, and so on.  If we already do these things, but without results, perhaps a part of the problem is that we just don't know what's in us.  According to 2 Timothy 3:17, the Word of God thoroughly equips us for every good work.  The Word is given by God and is used to help perfect us to do and become all that God has called us to do.


The Word can penetrate. Miracles don't just show up because we say we need one - - there are conditions that must be met and in place.  This is not just a name it and claim it situation; we must first get the Word in us.  Speak the Word ONLY; meditate on it, search it out. We must then have faith to believe His Word and then act on it. There is absolutely no room for doubt.


What we all must come to realize is that the atmosphere must be prepared for miracles to happen. We create the right atmosphere in our obedience to knowing, meditating on and doing the Word. The Word is highly valued in Heaven. God even said that Heaven and earth would both pass away before His Word does.  So, let's condition our lives for miracles.  It's time for healings and deliverances to manifest in the church.  We must therefore watch our words because what we speak out of our mouths is powerful.  The old saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." is not a true statement.  Many marriages have been destroyed because of words we've spoken over them and to our spouses through the years; but God's Word must carry more weight. So don't speak the wrong things over your lives and the lives of your family members.  Remember, words create, whether good or bad, therefore we can prepare and/or change the atmosphere with our words, whether good or bad. The words we speak to our spouses can either encourage and build them up or tear them down.  Even the miracle of salvation is created through our words.  We confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts. Use the same principle for other areas of your lives (confess and believe).


Run to the Word to see what it says, then pray it and walk in it.  The power lies not so much in prayer, but in what is prayed. God doesn't honor just any prayer - - He honors His Word.  Work the Word and allow it to change your world.

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