Bishop's Corner

It Is Only A Giant

Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Addictions, problems, and sicknesses are all giants. God is wanting and waiting on you to speak to these giants so you will see His power come in and defeat them.

The Bible says in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 13, that Moses sent out spies to take a look at the land God had promised Israel they would possess one day, but because there were giants in the land the people felt intimidated.  Then again in 1 Samuel, Chapter 17 when the men of Israel gathered for battle against the Philistines, the people of God were dismayed and greatly afraid of the giant Goliath, because of his height and stature.

 Goliath was a champion, a warrior from his youth, trained from a little boy to kill.  He was very intimidating and built for war.  There may be a giant in your life right now trying to intimidate you, but remember this, "It is only a giant."  The reason giants talk to you is to intimidate and paralyze you with fear and keep you from speaking what God has already spoken.

 Giants come in our lives in all forms:  through our finances, marriage, health, and so on, to present themselves as invincible to conquer.  But Jesus said that if we speak faith-filled words to our mountains (giants) and command them to be removed, they must go (see Mark 11:22-24).  As with Goliath, giants in our lives will not only show themselves to us, but they will also speak to us.  They will say things like, "There is no way that will happen." "You will not be able to do that." "Things will never change." But it is time for us to talk back to our giants. 

 Despite the giants in the land, Caleb said according to Numbers 13:30, "Let us go at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it."  Giants are going to come, but it is what you do with them that matters.  They come to hinder your progress and alter your destiny to keep you from reaching your purpose, fulfilling your ministry, and so on.  Giants get in your thoughts to keep you defeated.  Just as Goliath presented himself every day, your giants will not go away until you do something about them.  David went to the battlefield with an anointing on his life.  To gain victory over your giants, you must get a different perspective on them as David did, and understand that they are only giants, and you have authority over them.

 David saw this giant as a reproach to Israel and said, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?"  If you are facing giants right now, understand that you must kill them.  When you kill your giants, they will not rise again.  Remember, you have had worse and made it through, and if God delivered you then, He will deliver you now.

 Addictions, problems, and sicknesses are all giants.  God is wanting and waiting on you to speak to these giants so you will see His power come in and defeat them.  It is time to talk to them instead of letting them talk to you.  If you do not speak to your giants, you will never have victory over them.  So, stop saying "I'm tired" and get up and deal with your giants.  Like David, speak up and tell them what they are going to do, and what you are going to do.  Remember, you are anointed to destroy these giants, and as with David, all of Heaven will back you up.

 You are a champion of God, so start speaking like God.  Do not lose sleep over giants and do not waste time or energy on them.  They are only giants – so destroy them!  I am not referring to people, but to the circumstances in your life, and the problems and issues that come up to hinder you and keep you inferior.  That is how you will get your victory.  You must annihilate the giants that are trying to hold back your blessings.  We are all going to have giants in our lives.  They look intimidating, but they are only giants and we must confront them.  Throw the Word of God at them and go to sleep.  You will prevail, you are victorious, you will overcome.  It is only a giant, and it will fall; simply open your mouth and deal with them.

It Is Only A Giant

Bishop Clarence Williams • General
The reason giants talk to you is to intimidate and paralyze you with fear and keep you from speaking what God has already spoken.

The Bible says in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 13, that Moses sent out spies to take a look at the land God had promised Israel they would possess one day, but because there were giants in the land the people felt intimidated.  Then again in 1 Samuel, Chapter 17 when the men of Israel gathered for battle against the Philistines, the people of God were dismayed and greatly afraid of the giant Goliath, because of his height and stature.


Goliath was a champion, a warrior from his youth, trained from a little boy to kill.  He was very intimidating and built for war.  There may be a giant in your life right now trying to intimidate you, but remember this, "It is only a giant."  The reason giants talk to you is to intimidate and paralyze you with fear and keep you from speaking what God has already spoken.


Giants come in our lives in all forms:  through our finances, marriage, health, and so on, to present themselves as invincible to conquer.  But Jesus said that if we speak faith-filled words to our mountains (giants) and command them to be removed, they must go (see Mark 11:22-24).  As with Goliath, giants in our lives will not only show themselves to us, but they will also speak to us.  They will say things like, "There is no way that will happen." "You will not be able to do that." "Things will never change." But it is time for us to talk back to our giants. 


Despite the giants in the land, Caleb said according to Numbers 13:30, "Let us go at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it."  Giants are going to come, but it is what you do with them that matters.  They come to hinder your progress and alter your destiny to keep you from reaching your purpose, fulfilling your ministry, and so on.  Giants get in your thoughts to keep you defeated.  Just as Goliath presented himself every day, your giants will not go away until you do something about them.  David went to the battlefield with an anointing on his life.  To gain victory over your giants, you must get a different perspective on them as David did, and understand that they are only giants, and you have authority over them.


David saw this giant as a reproach to Israel and said, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?"  If you are facing giants right now, understand that you must kill them.  When you kill your giants, they will not rise again.  Remember, you have had worse and made it through, and if God delivered you then, He would deliver you now.


Addictions, problems, and sicknesses are all giants.  God is wanting and waiting on you to speak to these giants so you will see His power come in and defeat them.  It is time to talk to them instead of letting them talk to you.  If you do not speak to your giants, you will never have victory over them.  So, stop saying "I'm tired" and get up and deal with your giants.  Like David, speak up and tell them what they are going to do, and what you are going to do.  Remember, you are anointed to destroy these giants, and as with David, all of Heaven will back you up.


You are a champion of God, so start speaking like God.  Do not lose sleep over giants and do not waste time or energy on them.  They are only giants – so destroy them!  I am not referring to people, but to the circumstances in your life, and the problems and issues that come up to hinder you and keep you inferior.  That is how you will get your victory.  You must annihilate the giants that are trying to hold back your blessings.  We are all going to have giants in our lives.  They look intimidating, but they are only giants and we must confront them.  Throw the Word of God at them and go to sleep.  You will prevail, you are victorious, you will overcome.  It is only a giant, and it will fall; simply open your mouth and deal with them.

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