Bishop's Corner

The Battle Rages On, But We Have the Victory!

Bishop Clarence Williams •
I want to encourage you today. Believe it or not, you are defeating your enemies, and destroying all of them.

In the Book of Joshua, the 11th chapter, I want to share several verses with you: “Joshua made war a long time with all those kings. There was not a city that made peace with the children of Israel, except the Hivites, the inhabitants of Gibeon. All the others they took in battle. For it was of the Lord to harden their hearts, that they should come against Israel in battle, that He might utterly destroy them, and that they might receive no mercy, but that He might destroy them, as the Lord had commanded Moses.” (Joshua 11:18-20)

And then in Joshua 21:43-45 it says, “So the Lord gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it. The Lord gave them rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers. And not a man of all their enemies stood against them; the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hand. Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.” 

Again, “Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel.  All came to pass.”  Everything that God spoke over Israel came to pass – everything. When Joshua and the people entered the land, the Bible says that Joshua made war a long time with all those kings who came against him and the house of Israel. The Bible goes on to say that God hardened their hearts to fight against the children of Israel, so He could utterly destroy them.

As people of God, we are always fighting.  We know that we are often in battle and always fighting wars, especially in the spirit realm.  As Paul said in Ephesians 6:12, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places.”  And so, we know that we have invisible enemies that we cannot see with the natural eye, yet they are just as real as you and I are right here, today.

It has been relentless warfare, but it is now time to utterly destroy our enemies like sickness, poverty, disease, and strongholds that come to overtake us, run us down, and overwhelm us with fear.  We have been fighting on our knees, fasting, and praying, being before God in worship, and warring for a long time. And as soon as we feel like we have accomplished something, here comes something else. 

I want to encourage you today. Believe it or not, you are defeating your enemies, and destroying all of them.  Jesus has already destroyed all the works of the devil, and you are now taking ground. You are taking ground my brothers and sisters in the spirit realm. You are taking ground and being more established in the Kingdom of God, and now every promise that God has spoken over your life, and everything that He said, is coming to pass.  I see your enemies being destroyed and you are gaining victory every day.

Don't look at the physical side, and don't look at what people may be doing – go into the spirit realm. You are gaining victory and God’s promises will be fulfilled.

The Bible said that Joshua made war with his enemies for a long time. What you may be going through, know that God allowed it because He knew that He would not allow more on you than you can bear, but you must fight.  God has made the promises, but it doesn’t mean that you won’t need to fight to possess it.  The war is raging on, but the victory is yours, so go for it.  Achieve victory today.

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